Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cody Parr: New York TV Festival "Best Actor" Nominee!

"Coyotes", The 2011 TV Movie/ Pilot was accepted into the New York Television Festival. Following his previous TV Pilot, "Rising Above", where Cody played a Heroin addicted Teenager, this counts as Cody's SECOND Nomination for 'Best Actor' in the Festival.

"Coyotes" is a story of a Mexican Family that smuggles illegal immigrants across the American Border into Arizona. Cody plays the role of Carlos, the first born in the United States. Carlos struggles between balancing his life as a teenager trying to go to college and being loyal to his families "business". This all interferes with Sports, Friends, and his all around academic performance.

As previously stated, this is Cody's second consecutive year in the Film Festival & as a Nominee. He looks forward to one day being able to Direct, Write, Producer, and Star his own TV Pilot Presentation in Festivals to come.

You can find SOME of Cody's acting titles below at his IMDB Page.

Cody Parr IMDB

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